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Peter Haslebacher


Peter is a highly experienced business development and delivery executive with 20 years in the insurance sector. He maintains an extensive business network throughout Asia.

Previously, Peter was COO at Sungard Insurance Solutions Asia  (among other solutions, Prophet) in Asia Pacific and COO at Shift Technology APAC (fraud detection solution). He is now Head of Legerity APAC (IFRS17 solution), CEO at APAC InsurTech, a Senior Advisor to Roland Berger (Insurance APAC) and an advisor to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government for FinTech solutions.


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I Gde Eka Sarmaja

FSAI, Actuary (Gde), Partner APAC Insurtech Indonesia

Gde has 20 year of consulting and insurance experience, he is Public Actuary for I Gde Eka Sarmaja, FSAI dan Rekan.

He spent 3 year as Director for Health and Wealth Business for Mercer Indonesia. Prior to that, Gde was a senior leader in Manulife’s Employee Benefits business and Syariah Unit. Prior to Manulife, he spent 9 years with Towers Watson Indonesia, his last position being Director & Country Business Leader.

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Nur Hasan Kurniawan (Nanang)

Partner APAC Insurtech Indonesia

Nanang has 25 years of experience in the financial industry in banks, insurance and pension. He established Daya Sinergi Solusi (DSS) Consulting, which actively helps the insurance and pension fund industry in Indonesia with management consulting and information systems. Currently, he is a managing partner and commissioner for DSS. Prior to that, Nanang had been with Manulife for 15 years, his latest role being Chief of Employee Benefit of Manulife Indonesia.

Nanang  is Chief Executive of DPLK Association, for which he was elected in December 2019. He is frequently invited as a speaker for various international and domestic seminars, mostly on the subject of retirement. He works with the regulator (OJK, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Manpower) as subject matter expert on several regulations related to pension, insurance and social security programs.

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Ardhivipala Gunawijaya

Partner APAC Insurtech Indonesia

Ardhi has served in the financial industry for 16 years across different roles, from project management in a multi-finance company to strategic officer and business development in insurance companies. He spent 5 years at Manulife Indonesia and, prior to IT consulting, his last position was VP of group insurance operations.  

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